Benefits of Selling to a Cash Buyer (USA Today)

selling house for cash

selling house for cashAs a cash buyer, I love seeing articles that help inform Sellers about the pros and cons of selling a home in ‘as-is’ condition. Quick disclaimer – ‘as-is’ doesn’t always mean the house is a complete mess. There are criteria that give a house an ‘as-is’ label – but not everything that you think. Take a read of the article.

But here are some key advantages (selling to us as a cash buyer)

  • You keep all the money from the sale – no commissions
  • Closings can happen in under a month, usually 20 days or less
  • No contingencies for financing or, in many cases, even inspections
  • Avoid costly repairs simply to get the house listed (and some of that money back…, maybe)

As always, we’re here to help if you have questions or want to learn about your options.


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