Real Estate Investing with a Team

It takes a Team to Win with Real Estate Investing

Real estate is awesome. There are so many ways to invest and build a business. Most people think of the obvious side of real estate – such as doing “flip” properties. There are many more ways to build a real estate company. From providing services as a licensed Realtor to interior design and home staging or property management – real estate offers an incredible number of options.

To Win, You Need a Team

Most people think about building a business as a “solopreneur” effort. I did. Nearly everyone I know started out thinking “I have to get this done”. Well, as the old saying goes “there’s no ‘I’ in TEAM”. And you need a team to win and scale for bigger gains. Even your first deal, which could be done largely by yourself, will require help from others. So before you head into the investment waters, know who you need and start building the relationships to succeed.

The Key People You Need (no particular order)

  • Attorney
  • Lender (yes, even if you plan to do “Cash” deals)
  • Contractor(s)
  • Property Management
  • Realtor(s)

If you want to learn more about how to build your realty business – contact me or call me at 203-486-8868. Always happy to help.

Want to sell a property? We are always looking, just call.



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